My House is Haunted

So, a little over a week ago I moved into my first home. Well, it was once part of an entire house that was then sectioned off into a duplex. My home is mostly upstairs, there is a little washroom on the first floor when you walk in and a set of stairs leading up to the rest of the house- containing a living room, a ridiculously small kitchen, a bathroom and four bedrooms. However, there are only two of us of the four that were stupid enough to stay in a middle-of-nowhere college town that is deserted in the summer months. Even then, my roommate is almost never around and is either working or hanging out with friends, so I essentially live alone.

For the record, I do believe that there are things in this world that we may never understand. As a person who mostly relies on logic, I do not immediately jump to “paranormal” or “spiritual” conclusions right away, but I am not closed off to the idea that “ghosts” and “spirits” exist. It’s just as impossible to prove they don’t exist as it is to prove that they do.

With that being said, in the week or so that I have lived here, I have noticed some oddities that are hard to ignore. Mainly it has just been the obnoxious sensation of being watched, even though there is no one in the house with me. It’s a lot stronger in my bedroom than in the living room. I have also been having a lot of senseless nightmares, ones that are a hodgepodge of events that cause me to wake up in the middle of the night, sweating and scared. This is strange for me because I almost never have nightmares and I usually remember my dreams with intense accuracy.  These, however, I can easily excuse as just anxiety over moving into a new place and living completely independent for the first time.

The other things, not so much.

The first time the words “haunted” passed through my mind was last Sunday, when my roommate moved in. She and her friend were unpacking her things on the other side of the house, I could hear them talking as they unpacked. As I went to walk into my bedroom at the other side of the house, I heard an indistinguishable whisper right behind my head. I turn to see an empty staircase behind me (my bedroom door is directly across from the stairs). My roommate and her friend were still talking, the whisper had happened when they were speaking, so I knew it couldn’t have been them. It couldn’t have been my downstairs neighbors either, as I know what they sound like. I often hear their muffled voices and laughter beneath my feet, this whisper was at ear level and directly behind me. I was a little weirded out, but I casually ignored it, because I didn’t want to scare off my new roommate (or give her cause to believe that I was crazier than I already am).

The most recent oddity happened last night.  I walked into my room after twelve hours of work and school, only to find that the mirror next to my closet had fallen. Granted, it was supported by one of those handy hooks (our landlady won’t allow us to put holes in the walls) and even that “heavy duty” Velcro and adhesive hook was bound to give out at some point—it was the way that I found it that was strange. First off, my mirror was miraculously undamaged despite it’s near six foot drop. Second, it completely missed the small, makeshift table that was underneath it, nothing on my table was disturbed. The mirror had fallen off to the right, closer to the entrance of my closet, rather than where it had been hanging. Third, the stupid wall cling was a good three feet away from the wall, further off to the right and further away from the wall than my mirror. I’m no master in physics, but if the mirror had fallen straight down, it either would have fallen on the table or just behind it (there is just a big enough gap between the table and the wall that it could have), not off to the right and away from the wall. Very, very odd.


Whatever it is, it can’t be worse than the the movie Casper…

So whether I have been subjected to easily explainable events or have my own Casper living in the house with me, I’ll stay objectively observant and wait to see if any other oddities occur.

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